When there are 50 billion devices on planet Earth, how do we keep them from making our lives a constant battle with distraction? Calm Technology builds on groundbreaking research at Xerox PARC in the 1990s, to argue that technology doesn’t need to be intrusive to be useful. Co-written with UX Designer and Cyborg Anthropologist Amber Case, it also offers principles and exercises for reining in the distraction.

Published by O’Reilly Media


A handbook for dealing with radical change. Conceived by veteran Business Futurist Jonathan Brill, Rogue Waves tackles the issue of unknown, unknowable risk, and the tools organizations can use to recover faster and find advantage when the unexpected inevitably happens.

Published by McGraw-Hill


Well-designed sound cues can convey subtle distinctions, emotion, urgency, and information without adding visual clutter. In this practical guide, Amber Case and Aaron Day explain why sound design is critical to the success of products, environments and experiences.

Just as visual designers have a set of benchmarks and a design language to guide their work, this book provides a toolkit for the auditory experience. It’s designed to support collaboration for a wide variety of stakeholders, from composers and architect to UX designers and product developers.

Published by O’Reilly Media